Kirjoittanut Kari Holma
Kuraattorin_ terveiset_ 1.7.2021_ Wiurilan_Kesa.pdf
Portaikkoa hallitsevat Anssi Hanhelan hillittömät maalaukset. Niiden äijäenergia ja suoraviivainen
mielenmaisema sopivat hienosti vanhan viljamakasiiniin, jonka portaat ovat kuluneet raskaita viljasäkkejä
kantaneiden työmiesten askeleista. Samalla Hanhelan hahmoissa on hersyvää itseironiaa ja kieli poskella
työstettyä kommenttia elitististä ja urbaania hifistelyä kohtaan.
Galleria Rankka, Pohojonen
Anssi Hanhela
Hanhela (b.1962) paints life. In his expressionism paintings
vitality collides with existentialism. In northern mindscapes
this is no wonder for one who follows his internal nature, the
road leads to a place without other people. In the landscape,
colors ring and ascendeth and eros is realized, glowing
However, in the mystical reality of nature, man
is only a voyeur and mental connection, not an organic
participant. The relationship between humans is originally
organic and of the body, but when another person climbs on the
other´s shoulders to become a burden, it kills the
possibility of organic communication. In this way, humans are
only organic in relation to themselves. They are existential –
beings, that feel in many ways what exists singularly and what it
is to be alone.
I can see this kind of perspective in Anssi
Hanhela's paintings. Their narrative and painterliness express
a similar content. At times freedom flows like breathing,
although the soul has been captured in a zoo. At other times
the internal urge flows inward with sharp consequences. The
feeling of conflict is present. At the end, it is nature that
calls and Hanhela's images display hope and a new kind of urge to
combine inner and outer nature.
Henri Hagman painter,
art critic Rovaniemi, Finland
Anssi Hanhela Anssi
Hanhela’s (born in 1962) family roots are in Jokikylä’s
Pikkujämsänperä in Seppälä along
Jokelantie, where his father is from. For several years Anssi
also lived in Jokikylä and worked as the instructor of
Kiiminkijoki College's visual arts clubs. For years a group of
young and older visual art students met at Jokela school. As a
devoted and skilled teacher, Anssi created an enthusiastic and
good spirit for his groups. This is how he made people fall
for visual arts.
Anssi graduated as a visual
artist from Kankaanpää Art School in 1986. He has
since furthered his studies in Kemi-Tornio University of Applied
Sciences, Faculty of Art and Design in University of Lapland,
and the University of Umeå in Sweden. Anssi 's main
techniques include painting, drawing, serigraphy and videos.
He is a member of Finnish Painters’ Union as well as
Artist Associations of Lapland and Oulu.
The next
quote is from the artist statement included in the Artist Register
by Finnish Painters’ Union. “Hanhela’s
career as an artist began in the 1980’s as an expressive
landscape painter. He came full circle at the turn of the
millennium when he returned to paint colorful paintings of a
man's life alongside a woman, of a man as part of a rural
idyllic soul landscape, after painting constructive images of
God and minimalistic hidden pictures about sexuality.
Hanhela's humor is black and sarcastic, but this mischief is not
meant to be taken too seriously merely as an access to
something new. Painting is a tool for him to analyse feelings
and thoughts, put them in order, and then laugh over loudly.”
Over the years, Anssi has had numerous private group
exhibitions in Finland and abroad. In addition to Finland, his
works have been exhibited in Sweden, Norway, Germany, Estonia,
Russia, Latvia, Poland and Switzerland. In addition to
painting and exhibitions, Anssi has worked as a teacher for
various lengths among others at Liminka Art school, Piippola
School of Arts and Crafts, Vocational College of Western
Lapland, Central School of Yli-Ii as well as at various
weekend courses organised by different communties, and other
fine art events.
Anssi had a tragic accident in
October 2012, when he lived in his father's house in Jokikylä.
He had carbon monoxide poisoning, which put him into a coma
for nearly three months. Miraceliously Anssi recovered from it,
and even though the accident left its marks, he has been
working very hard since and has held several exhibitions of
his new paintings. Theatre director and artist, Erja
Kärkkäinen, has been a great support and encouragement
for Anssi.
Hanna Manninen Galleristi Mabd galleria
kritiikki Veikko Halmetoja
Julkaistu: 6.2.2010
Anssi Hanhela 14.2.
saakka TM-galleriassa (Erottajankatu 9 B). Ti-pe 11-17, la-su
Maripaita pukee miestä Kuvat. Pohjoisen
miehen mielenlaatu on kasvanut
käsitteeksi useiden taiteilijoiden voimin.
Muun muassa Timo K. Mukka, Kalervo Palsa, Esko Männikkö,
Rosa Liksom ja Lordi ovat olleet luomassa
suomalaiseen taiteeseen yksinäisen miehen arkkityyppiä.
Anssi Hanhela (s. 1962) käsittelee aihetta genretietoisesti
mutta pelkäämättä. Hän on
luonut mieshahmon, jota voisi tulkita ironisena suhteessa
Se ei ole kuitenkaan tarpeellista.
Hahmossa on tarpeeksi tartuntapintaa, jotta se pärjää
ilman ironian tarjoamaa takaporttia.
Mies pukeutuu
maripaitaan, runkkaa ja ryyppää. Aamut eivät ole
helppoja, mutta eivät
taida olla illatkaan.
Nainen on läsnä
kuvitteellisena kumppanina, mutta kovin tasa-arvoista suhdetta
fantasiahahmoon ei synny. Naista kannetaan
kuin persettä. Enemmän kuin halusta
esineellistää lienee kyse puhtaasta
Hanhelan näyttely TM-galleriassa on
melkein sarjakuvallinen kokemus.
Maalaukset ovat
ruutuja elämästä. Ne ovat välillä
raivokkaita, välillä seesteisiä, mutta
toisiinsa linkittyviä.
Hanhela käyttää
akvarelli-, akryylimaali- ja öljyväritekniikoita sulassa
sovussa. Maalausjälki on välitöntä
ja tukee kuvien kerronnallisuutta.
Raidallinen maripaita pukee miestä useammassa teoksessa.
Se on hauska hahmoa identifioiva oivallus ja maalauksellisesti
herkullinen yksityiskohta.
Tosin siitä
johtuen minun on vaikea enää lukea Rosa Liksomia ilman,
että kuvittelen kirjojen sankareille maripaidat.